
2019 winter Haskell school in Sydney Australia

2019 winter Haskell school in Sydney Australia

Class timetables and planning

We are based on CIS194 which is a 12 week course and we will extend it with advanced contents.

Each class has average length of 2 hours. Each week, we will pick a time and place, and announce it.

Class materials

Currently we are using Yorgey’s cis194 course.

This course is widely recommended by Haskell learners.

Homework and after class discussions


After each week’s class, participants need to complete assignments from the cis194 course and submit to this repo as a Pull Request.

You shouldn’t skip the assignments, and remember:

If you don’t do your homework and expect to be a Haskell programmer in the end of this course just by coming to/reading the lecture, you are kidding yourself. —Shine Li

Why is Zehua so good even though he jigs classes all the time? Because he does his homework. —Shine Li

You can also raise any questions or issues when you are learning Haskell and raise it to here.

You can submit your assignment to this path cis194/week1/Yourname, replace Yourname with your own.

If you don’t do your homework and expect to be a Haskell programmer in the end of this course just by coming to/reading the lecture, you are KIDDING yourself.

Setup local development environment

Knowledge points



YouTube channel Instant FP

We will upload Functional programming videos inregually into this Channel. You can subscribe to it.